
The Vedic Mathematics Department at the Art of Living International Centre,Bangalore, offers you a great opportunity to learn Vedic Mathematics Online at your own convenience.

Read below to know more about this new exciting program from Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth.


What is Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic Math is a unique ancient system, which helps to carry out tedious and cumbersome mathematical operations in a simple way.

Entire mathematics is based on sixteen simple Sutras or Rules. It was rediscovered by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji.

These Sutras describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.

The whole emphasis of the Vedic Mathematics system is on the process and movement taking place in the mind at the time that a problem is being solved. The effect of this is to bring the mind into the present moment.

How is Vedic Mathematics different?

While doing arithmetical calculations, we deal with ten numbers 0 to 9. Each one of these has got peculiar properties and ways of behavior. If these are closely looked at, we have newer and newer methods of doing calculations.

Vedic Mathematics is a good means of performing calculations mentally; it also keeps before us more than one way of doing a particular calculation.
There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. One can come up with their own innovative methods of carrying out calculations, without being restricted to one particular method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent pupils.

Why should one study Vedic Mathematics, what are it's advantages over regular mathematics?

-Vedic Math is simpler yet more intelligent than regular Math.

- Mathematical problems can be solved with amazing speed and accuracy

- Large Operations can also be done mentally

- Problems are reduced to one-line answers .

- One need not know the multiplication tables of numbers above 5 .

- Vedic Mathematics can be mastered with ease and speed .

- Answers can be verified with stunning speed .

- In Vedic Math we make use of our own mental faculties and the tremendous potential of the brain .

- Utilizes both the left-brain (logic) and the right brain (creativity) .

- Improvement in our mental ability, sharpness, creativity and intelligence .

- Reduces our dependence on calculators .

- Numbers become playful, removing the fear and anxiety of Math.

- Vedic Math is complementary to regular Math taught in schools. Students learning Vedic Math excel at school.

- Invaluable tool for competitive exams such as engineering, management, banking, etc.

Scared of Math? Fear of Numbers?

The requirement for doing multiplications using Vedic Math is to know the tables up to 5 x 5. You can solve any problem very easily. Math becomes an easy subject that is fun to learn. Fear of math is completely removed.

Scoring low in Math?

You learn new techniques of doing the same problems in much easier way, and also you can check your answers independently. The techniques that are taught are simple to use, easy and fun to learn. Math skills improve and performance in Mathematics also improves.

Want to increase your speed in Math?

Many problems can be reduced to one-liners. With practice, large part of the calculations can be done mentally. So the time taken to solve problems is reduced.

Want to increase your mental capacity?

You see the same problem in different ways, and also it works in correlation with how the mind works. Vedic Mathematics utilizes both the left-brain and the right brain, and with regular practice a harmonious balance is created.

Looking to crack competitive exams?

You can check answers with stunning speed and also get the answers in very quick and different ways. This is a boon for multiple-choice type of questions where speed is of essence.

Want to learn all this in very short time?

Presently, A Vedic Mathematics Foundation Course has been designed that is spread over ten hours. The focus is on simple arithmetic operations. Courses for different categories of participants are being formulated.

Courses offered - how to register?

The Vedic Mathematics Foundation Course is offered through the Art of Living Foundation. This course teaches the basics concepts in Arithmetic and Algebra using Vedic Mathematics. Higher concepts in Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry, etc. are covered in subsequent Courses. This Course enables students to improve their mathematical skills.

To register:

You may fill out an Application Form by contacting us at :
Email -
Phone - (91) 09740211998 or 91 (080) 26080290